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Mastering JavaScript: Interview Questions
Prepare for any JavaScript interview with our easy-to-understand collection of questions, covering basics and advanced topics. Explore each tab and check your knowledge.
Here are some interview questions focused on the JavaScript Execution Phase and Call Stack, suitable for different levels of expertise:
What is the JavaScript call stack and how does it work?
Explain what happens during the execution phase of a JavaScript program.
What is the difference between the execution context and the call stack in JavaScript?
Can you explain how JavaScript handles function calls in relation to the call stack?
What happens if the call stack becomes too large?
Here are some interview questions focused on how the browser renders a web page:
How does the browser handle HTML parsing when it encounters a <script> tag?
What are the differences between synchronous and asynchronous scripts in terms of their impact on HTML parsing and rendering?
What is the impact of placing a <script> tag at the end of the <body> section?
How does the defer attribute affect the execution of a script and its impact on HTML parsing?
Can you explain the impact of JavaScript on the critical rendering path?
What is the role of DOMContentLoaded event in relation to JavaScript execution and HTML parsing?
How do modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries handle script loading to optimize performance?
Here are some interview questions focused on Variable Scope:
Can you explain the difference between var, let, and const in JavaScript?
How does hoisting affect variables declared with var, let, and const?
Could you provide an example where the scope of var leads to unexpected behavior, and how changing var to let or const could resolve the issue?
Discuss a scenario where using const over let or var could be advantageous.
How can the temporal dead zone (TDZ) impact variables declared using let and const in JavaScript?
Here are some interview questions on Data Types:
What Are the Different Data Types in JavaScript?
How Do You Check the Type of a Variable in JavaScript?
What Is the Difference Between null and undefined?
What Is the Difference Between == and === in JavaScript?
What Is the Symbol Data Type in JavaScript?
How Do You Create a BigInt in JavaScript?
What is difference in Single quotes (‘), Double quotes (“), and Backticks?
- Explain the Difference Between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types in JavaScript.
Here are some interview questions on Data Types:
- What is Strict Mode?
- How to implement/enable strict mode?
- Can we enable Strict Mode for a Single Function?
- What are the benefits of Strict Mode?
- What is Variables?
- What are the different ways to declare a variable in JavaScript?
- Does variable case matter in JavaScript?
- Can you explain the concept of variable hoisting in JavaScript?
- What is the scope of a variable declared with var?
- What is the scope of a variable declared with let and const?
- How does block scope differ from function scope in JavaScript?
- What will happen if you try to reassign a const variable?
- Can you declare a variable without initializing it? What will be its value?
- Explain the concept of temporal dead zone (TDZ) in JavaScript
- How do var, let, and const variables behave inside loops?
- What are global variables, and how can you create them in JavaScript?
- What is the purpose of the global object in JavaScript, and how do variables interact with it?
- Can you explain shadowing in the context of variable declarations?
- What is the precedence order between local and global variables?
- How does variable declaration inside a function differ from variable declaration in the global scope?
- What are immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE), and how do they affect variable scope?
- What happens if you declare a variable multiple times using var?
- How do you ensure a variable is not reassignable after its initial assignment?
- Can you explain how closures work in JavaScript and their relationship with variable scope?
- What are the implications of using var in a loop with asynchronous callbacks?
- Why is it generally recommended to use let and const over var?
- What are some best practices for naming variables in JavaScript
- Why is it important to avoid global variables, and how can you minimize their use?
- Can you give an example of a situation where using const is preferable to let?
- What is the difference between declaring a variable at the top of a function versus within a block inside the function?
- What issues can arise from forgetting to use let or const when declaring a variable?
- How can strict mode affect variable declarations in JavaScript?
- What is “undefined” property?
- What is null value?
- What is difference between null and undefined
Here are some interview questions on Function:
What is a Function in JavaScript?
How do you declare a function in JavaScript? Explain different methods.
What is the difference between function declarations and function expressions?
Explain default parameters in JavaScript functions with an example.
What are rest parameters, and how are they useful?
What is an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)? Why would you use it?
What are higher-order functions? Provide an example.
What are closures in JavaScript? Provide an example to explain.
Where Are Closures Useful?
Explain the call, apply, and bind methods in JavaScript with examples.
What is function currying in JavaScript? Provide an example.
What is Memoization and How can you implement memoization in JavaScript.
What are the differences between arguments object and rest parameter
What is the difference between function constructor and function declaration
What is a first class function
What is a pure function?
What is the difference between call() apply() and bind()?
Can we define properties for functions
What is an anonymous function?
What is an arguments object?
What is function Parameter Destructuring?
Here are some interview questions on Callback, Promises, and Async/Await:
What is Callbacks in JavaScript?
What is a callback hell?
What is Promises in JavaScript?
What are the three states of promise in JavaScript?
How promises are resolved and rejected?
What are the Pros and Cons of Promises?
What is promise chaining in JavaScript?
What is Promise.all?
- What are the Static methods available in promise?
Here are some interview questions on Expressions in JavaScript:
What are Expressions in JavaScript?
What are the types of Expressions in JavaScript
What is Primary Expressions?
What is Arithmetic Expressions?
What is String Expressions?
What is Logical Expressions?
What is Comparison Expressions?
What is Assignment Expressions?
What is Conditional (Ternary) Expressions?
What is function Expressions?
What is Object and Array Expressions?
- What is Invocation Expressions?
Here are some interview questions on Operators in JavaScript:
What are the types of Operators in JavaScript?
What is Arithmetic Operators?
What is Assignment Operators?
What is Comparison Operators?
What is Logical Operators?
Explain Bitwise Operators in JavaScript?
What is String Operators?
What is Conditional (Ternary) Operators?
What is Comma Operators?
What is Unary Operators?
What is Relational Operators?
Can we use Operators in Expressions?
What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?
How does the typeof operator work in JavaScript?
What does the delete operator do in JavaScript?
- What is the purpose of double exclamation(!!)?
Here are some interview questions on JavaScript Strings:
What is a String?
Can you explain the available methods of String Methods?
What are the Escape Characters?
Can you explain the String Search methods of String Methods?
Are indexOf() and search() the same?
What is Template strings or Template literals?
How do you convert the first letter of a string to uppercase?
How do you print numbers with commas as thousand separators?
How do you create a specific number of copies of a string?
How to remove all line breaks from a string?
How to revers a string?
Can you Count the Occurrences of a Character in a String?
How check if Two Strings are Anagrams?
What will be the output? console.log(‘hello’ – ‘world’);
Here are some interview questions on JavaScript Array:
What is Array and what are the different methods to create/declare the array?
Can you summarizing some of the most basic and commonly used array methods in JavaScript?
How to Count Element Occurrences from Array?
How to check object/variable type is Array?
How do you find min and max values without Math functions?
What is the difference between slice and splice?
What does it mean when slice() creates a shallow copy (not a deep copy)?
What is destructuring assignment?
How do you swap variables in destructuring assignment?
How do you remove falsy values from an array?
How can you obtain unique values from an array?
How do you empty an array?
What will happen if you either set an array’s length property to 0 or reassign the array variable to an empty array ([])?
What methods have the same name for both arrays and strings in JavaScript, and how do they differ?
What is the purpose of the array slice method?
What is the purpose of the array splice method?
How do you sort elements in an array?
How do you reversing an array?
Here are some interview questions on JavaScript Object:
What are the methods for defining Objects in JavaScript?
How to access the Object properties
Can you explain the concept of Prototype Inheritance in JavaScript with example?
What does Object.assign() do in JavaScript?
Can Object.assign() be used for deep cloning an object? Why or why not?
How to deep cloning an object?
Explain the use of Object.create() in JavaScript.
What is the use of Object.defineProperties() and How does Object.defineProperties() differ from Object.defineProperty()?
What is the use of Object.entries()?
Can Object.entries() be used on objects with non-enumerable properties? Why or why not?
What is the use of Object.values in JavaScript?
What does Object.freeze() do, and how is it different from Object.seal()?
What is the purpose of Object.fromEntries() in JavaScript?
Explain the purpose of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() in JavaScript.
How does Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors() differ from Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()?
What is the use Object.getOwnPropertyNames()?
How does Object.getOwnPropertyNames() differ from Object.keys()?
What is the proposed Object.groupBy() method in JavaScript?
What does Object.isExtensible() check in an object?
Explain how Object.isFrozen() determines if an object is frozen.
What are the differences between Object.isFrozen(), Object.isSealed(), and Object.isExtensible()?
What does Object.keys() return in JavaScript?
What is the purpose of Object.preventExtensions() in JavaScript?
What is a prototype chain?
How do you check if a key exists in an object?
How do you loop through object in JavaScript?
What are the two ways to implement an empty Object?
How do you copy properties from one object to other?
How do you define a getter and a setter (Accessors) for an object property in JavaScript?
What is destructuring aliases?